Government Registered No: 126817/071/072 | Tourism No:1819
24hrs Call Support: +977 9851033769 (Bikram) | +9779841766021

Make an online Payment

Make Online Payment

Make Online Payment

A total of 20% of the entire trip cost will be collected as a non-refundable deposit (or you may pay the whole amount) when you book your trip, with the remaining balance due upon arrival in Kathmandu. Due to security precautions, online credit card payments are not permitted for this deposit; the steps for each method are detailed below.

Payment by Wire Transfer (Bank transfer fees may vary)

Beneficiary Bank: Himalayan Bank Ltd.
Bank Address: Sanchaya Kosh building, Tridevi Marga
Thamel, Kathmandu
P.O. Box: 20590
Web Address:

Beneficiary Company: Orbit Nepal Adventure Pvt. Ltd.
Account No: 01908669300013
Account Type: Current Account